May 18, 2016
New home for career advisors
The Government is continuing its strategy of cutting down the number of government agencies by merging Careers New Zealand with the Tertiary Education Commission.
Tetiary Education Minister Steven Joyce and Education Minister Hekia Parata say this will result in better and more consistent careers information for school students.
Mr Joyce says it’s the logical next step to previous moves to strengthen links between education and employment through initiatives including Trades Academies, Maori and Pasifika Trades Training, Vocational Pathways and Youth Guarantee fees-free places.
Initially, the 121 Careers New Zealand staff will transfer to the TEC, and the commission will then work through a transition process to align its resources, including staffing, to its new business functions.
Ms Parata says the changes will support students to think about their tertiary education and future employment earlier, and ensure their study options match their aspirations.
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