October 26, 2017
Ihumatao prepared to go all the way to save their whenua
One of the leaders of the group opposing development of a 480-home special housing area at Ihumatao says Fletcher Buildingis defying business ethics and business sense in continuing with the plan.
Pania Newton has taken the concerns of Save our Unique Landscapes to the United Nations, and challenged directors at the company's annual meeting yesterday to heed its criticism of the plan.
She says she was disappointed with its response to the report of the UN Committee on the Elimnation of Racial Discrimination, and it's denial of the heritage value of the 14 hectare site.
Ms Newton compared it with the losses the company is reporting in its building and infrastructure division.
"I've hear them speak about mistakes throughout this meeting. Have they considered what they are doing at Ihumatao is going to be a mistake? Look at the history of such land contentions in Aotearoa. Bastion Point, Whanganui, and there are many more. It's going to come down to a mass occupation and are they willing to take that risk at the expense of shareholders," she says.
Fletcher Building’s land development head Steve Evans says the United Nations criticism if something for the government to deal with, not the company, which has a legal right to build on the land.
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