August 01, 2017
Point of order Mr Speaker !
'Point of Order Mr Speaker' is a new book co-written by academic Dr Selwyn Katene and former Maori Party MP Rahui Katene.
Published by Huia Publishers the book profiles eight Maori politicians Metiria Turei, Shane Jones, Paula Bennett, Tau Henare, Hekia Parata, Hone Harawira, Te Ururoa Flavell and Nanaia Mahuta.
Dr Katene says all eight politicians show characteristics of Maori leadership and the ability to speak well and have indepth knowledge and analysis of issues and events affecting the people.
The desire to manaaki and unite people irrespective of their political religious or social persuasion.
"What I hope this book will do is encourage those many people who are aspiring to follow in their footsteps because these leaders they challenged the status quo and they're inspiring and share vision of where they want Maori to be. They're doing their best to model the right behaviours. Some slip up now and again but they're human and they want to take the people with them on a journey to leadership success," he says.
Dr Katene singles out the National Party waahine for special mention and says Paula Bennett has achieved an incredible feat.
"She's the deputy leader of the National Party. That's a Maori person, never had such a prominent person in that role. Then you have Hekia Parata in the same political party, a leader in her own right. She may not have positional power of Paula but she is a leader wherever she goes. Whether it's in the Maori field for her iwi or education" he says.
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