July 16, 2018
Iwi to block bikes from doing more damage on far north dunes
Far North iwi want to stop bikes and off road vehicles tearing up the dunes along Te Oneroa a Tohe Ninety Mile Beach.
Haami Piripi from Te Rarawa says the number of vehicles seems to increase every summer, and it's too much for the environment and for the residents.
He says his trust doesn't have the power to ban vehicles outright, but the tribes have received coast properties as part of their settlements so they can close off entry and exit points.
Local government may need to step in, and possibly designate specific areas for off-roading.
"There's too much damage occurring. These are sites where we have ancient burials, ancient occupations, we have beautiful sites in themselves, we have dune lakes. And we just can't afford any more damage," Mr Piripi says.
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