June 07, 2016
Foreshore and seabed fight highlight of career
Maoridom’s newest knight says taking a lead in the fight over the foreshore and seabed was a highlight of his career so far.
Sir Matiu Rei was knighted in the Queen’s 90th Birthday Honours List for his contribution to Maori as leader of Ngati Toa Rangatira.
He says the foreshore and seabed issue originated in a dispute over aquaculture space in the Marlborough Sounds at the top of the South Island, where Ngati Toa has competing interests with other iwi.
"We were fortunate to get the support of Te Ohu Kaimoana because they recognised that it was an issue, critical across the motu for all tribes over the ownership of the foreshore and seabed. So I ended up heading the legal challenge of those tribes down south," he says.
Sir Matiu says getting the recognition is pretty cool.
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