October 10, 2017
Tikanga Maori a topic for property law rewrite
The Law Commission wants to know whether tikanga Maori is recognised when relationships end and property is divided up.
It’s one of the questions that will be asked in a review of the 40-year-old Property (Relationships) Act.
Commissioner Helen McQueen says a lot has changed in New Zealand over that time, including the way relationships and families form, how they function and what happens when relationships end.
That’s why the commission wants to know: When should the law treat two people as a couple?
– What property should they share if they break up and what property should belong to only one of them?
– Does the law apply to the right relationships?
– Is the right property being shared?
– What should happen when trusts are used to hold property?
The commission will release a discussion paper and a consultation website on October 16, with consultation ending in February and a final report due in November 2018.
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