February 09, 2015
Iwi education data released
Education Minister Hekia Parata says new iwi-specific data will help iwi and hapu increase the achievement and opportunities of their young people.
She says for the first time iwi, hapu and whanau can clearly see how their kids are progressing from early learning to 18 years of age.
The profiles will be especially useful when setting achievement targets within a Community of Schools under her new Investing in Educational Success framework.
Ms Parata says children from the three largest iwi, Nga Puhi, Ngati Porou and Ngai Tahu, are tracking well towards the Government’s target of 98 per cent participation in early learning in 2016.
NCEA Level 2 achievement rates have also increased for the three iwi in recent years, but are still well below the Government’s 85 percent target.
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