June 28, 2021
Panguru welcomes Manu Korero contestants
The small Hokianga settlement of Panguru is bursting at the seams today as Te Kura Taumata o Panguru hosts the northern region finals for Ngā Manu Kōrero, the Māori speech competition.
Teacher Richalene Te Wake says more than 400 tauira, kaiako and whānau are expected for the three days of speeches in te reo Māori and English.
The turnout reflects the huge amount of work that has gone in to the language revival since Panguru last hosted the competition more than 20 years ago.
"We're still fighting for our language and if we can encourage our tamariki to be proud, ki a reo Māori, ki a ao Māori rātau, and we go back to the whakatauki ko rātou ngā rangatira o te āpōpō, they are going to be the leaders of tomorrow," Ms Te Wake says.
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