October 17, 2022
Ivy League target for top Māori students
The chief executive of the Manukau Urban Māori Authority says Māori studying at the world’s top universities need all the support they can get.
Tania Rangiheuea is in Oxford to support post-graduate Maori students planning enrol at the prestigious UK university.
She also attended a lecture by Waikato University’s Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith in honour of her Tuhourangi kuia Makareti Papakura, the first Maori to study there.
Other Maori have followed the trail she blazed almost 100 years ago.
“For a student to confidently enrol here, they need tio be in the top 5 percent, SOme of the tcolleges are taking the top 1 percent from stude4nts around thew world. It’s a very competitive process but that should nopt put Mapoir students off from applying,” Ms Rangiheuea says.
Tania Rangiheuea says study at Oxford costs about $100,000 a year in tuition and boarding fees.