May 06, 2022
Embarrassment the aim in Speaker spat
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters says MPs need to put an end to the antics of Speaker Trevor Mallard.
Mr Mallard has withdrawn trespass notices against Mr Peters and four other former MPs for visiting the anti-mandate occupation on Parliament’s lawn.
Mr Peters says it’s the fastest court case he’s been involved in, with the Speaker backing down three hours after his lawyers filed a motion for a judicial review.
“As I said to the current members of Parliament, one of you should get up there, draft a current notice of motion, not one old notice of motion that (National Party MP Chris) Bishop’s got, it’s so old it’s got flies on it, run up a present notice of no confidence and act on it and embarrass the Prime Minister and the Government to get rid of him because it is not doing Parliament’s reputation any good at all,” he says.