September 29, 2021
Wairua business reason to jump queue
A member of Māori pandemic response group Te Rōpū Whakakaupapā Urutā says Māori should get priority as the borders start to reopen.
The Government has switched to a lottery system for booking spots in managed isolation, with thousands of people registering last night for a chance at 3800 rooms in October, November and December.
Professor Paparangi Reid says Māori are being treated as if they only have rights as citizens under article 3 of the Treaty of Waitangi, but their article two rights should also be recognised, such as the right to cultural practices like kawe mate.
“There might also be other people who we allow in for compassionate reasons but I think if we want to be kind, that’s the first thing we have to do, is allow people the rights for institutions like kawe mate to happen but also for people who need to come home iwi business, whānau business and their own personal wairua business to come home,” she says.