September 23, 2021
Three generations make the most of pop-up vaccine clinic
Three generations make the most of pop-up vaccine clinic
© Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga 23 September 2021
Three generations of one whanau took advantage of a pop-up vaccination clinic at Pak n Save Hastings this morning as they went to get their groceries. Grand daughter Cherish Waihape-Munro and her mother Puawaioterangi Eiao both chose to get vaccinated following the lead of their matriarch, Puao Munro. “I felt as though I had enough information, and I was happy with what I have learned about the vaccine to get it done,” says Ms Munro.
In an effort to offer times and a location more suitable to those who work outside 9-5 hours, Pak n Save Hastings and Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga partnered to provide a vaccination clinic at the supermarket’s car park this morning.
Julia Ebbett, GM of Hauora Heretaunga says, “we weren’t sure what to expect, but we hoped that by having a presence here we could vaccinate people that are unable to make it to our vaccination clinic, or at least start a conversation with passersby.”
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga staff dressed in high vis wet weather gear or PPE were hard to miss in the car park of Pakn Save Hastings vaccinating 49 people in the two hour pop-up clinic from 7am.
The success of this pop-up clinic tells us that getting out to the community may be the key to attaining community immunity, says Julia Ebbett. Understanding that not everyone can make it during work hours, and moving clinics to areas that are accessible to more people could increase vaccination uptake.
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga held the first drive-thru vaccination clinic during Alert Level 4 lockdown which will continue on Fridays through to the end of the year.
Caption: three generations of vaccinated whanau, Puawaioterangi Eiao, Cherish Waihape-Munro and Puao Munro.