July 07, 2019
Treaty latecomer needs to listen
A former politician has earned a swipe for coming late to the party over his tribe's treaty settlement.
Tuariki Delamere, who has had past roles as a treaty negotiator and an MP, slammed the way Te Whānau a Apanui was expected to sign its agreement in principle only a few days after receiving the finished document.
He said negotiators and hapū chairs were pressured by the crown and did not have time or training to understand what was a complex legal document.
But Willie Te Aho, who chairs his hapū at Raukokore, says the 12 hapū chairs were closely involved in the development of the agreement over the past 15 months and discussed it intensively at every stage with their people at hapū and marae level.
"If you're going to come in late, you've got to give the disclaimer that you don't know what you're talking about and my view of his kōrero is that he hasn't been home, he hasn't been involved in the issues," he says.
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