August 13, 2018
Māori voices sought in ETS changes
The Government hopes to bring more Māori land into forestry through changes to the emissions trading scheme.
Forestry Minister Shane Jones and Climate Change Minister James Shaw have opened consultation on the changes to what is New Zealand’s main tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Mr Jones says as well as helping New Zealand meet its climate change targets, the changes could drive the planting of 340 million trees over the next 10 years – double the amount that would be planted if the ETS was left in its current state.
They want to make the ETS more streamlined, accessible and flexible and give users more confidence and certainty.
Among the changes being considered are addressing the rules around deforestation of blocks of pre-1990 forest on blocks under 50 hectares, which has created problems for Māori freehold blocks with large numbers of owners.
The Government also announced $240 million from the Provincial Growth Fund would go to support the billion trees programme through a new grants programme and partnership fund to get more trees in the ground and provide training and employment opportunities.
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