May 25, 2017
Regional development to boost Maori hopes
Regional development is the area Labour Party leader Andrew Little says any support fort regional development could be critical to the prospects of Maori in today's Budget.
Finance Minister Steven Joyce has been tight lipped about the prospects of tax cuts, but there is an expectation of changes to the tax brackets to compensate for inflation.
Mr Little says Labour's priorities would be investment in things that build communities, like decent housing, quality education, and fixing health services which are stretched to near breaking point in some areas.
"Another important area is regional development. I know particularly in areas like Gisborne, East Cape, Northland where there is just such a huge need for investment and think government has a role in leading that as job creator, job generator. Maori populations are big in those areas," he says.
Mr Little says government also has a responsibility to invest more in skills and training, which could help the high numbers of Maori unemployed.
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