February 13, 2014
Treeless hill irks rocker
A Bono wannabe is pushing for a tree to be replanted on One Tree Hill.
Jamie Rowe from Auckland tribute band Experience U2 says every time he sings the song One Tree Hill he is reminded of the absence of a tree on the maunga.
He says it’s an international embarrassment and a symbol of the ineffectiveness of central and local government bureaucracies.
The song was a tribute by the Irish band to their Maori roadie, Greg Carroll, who died in a motorcyle accident, and the single featured a photograph of the band on the Auckland landmark.
When the lone pine tree on the summit died 13 years ago, Ngati Whatua asked the council to hold off replanting until its historic treaty claim was settled.
Mr Rowe says that happened three years ago, and there has been no action.
Bono has cultivated a reputation for philanthropy and political advocacy, but many indigenous groups around the world have charged that his activities undermine their efforts and promote the interests of multinational companies.
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