April 04, 2013
Taniwha unleashed on Waipa River
The Chair of Ngāti Maniapoto Māori Trust Board, Tiwha Bell, says an agreement with all councils in the catchment means a new start for the Waipa River.
The agreement was signed yesterday with the Otorohanga, Waikato, Waipa and Waitomo District Councils and Waikato Regional Council giving the board the right to participate in Resource Management Act functions and expressing commitment for a clean-up.
Mr Bell says a taniwha called Waiwaia covers the river from its source in the King Country to where it meets the Waikato River at Ngaruawahia.
“Waiwaia is the kaitiaki of our waters and travels all over. Unfortunately, there’s been alot of bad practises by our partners and in the old days they used to put tūtae and everything in the river thinking that it’s a cesspool. Now everybody finding out that it’s not. It’s a very tapū area, the wai and is very important to all of us.
Tiwha Bell says cleaning up the Waipa will be a long term job, but the iwi hopes eventually that the clear water and abundant kai will return.
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